
A Little About LearntUp and My Self

A little bit about LearntUp. I have decided to start this blog to try and organize what I am putting into my head into a useful repository for like minded people.  As of right now my main focus is learning web development so it should contain a lot about that.  If I end up learning something else like how to change my own breaks or I decide that I don’t want to eat cows anymore and want to learn about vegan diet tips I will have some posts like that as well. My hope is that this will become a useful reference for me and may help someone else who stumbles upon one of my posts at some point.

A little bit about myself. After being in the IT field for the past 10+ years in jobs ranging from help desk to system admin, I recently decided that I would much rather be in a developer role.  I liked the idea of actually being able to create something instead of just fixing broken junk all day.  I started to take some online courses in my free time and as I became more and more interested I eventually decided to leave IT support/admin world behind all together and and really go for it. So I left my job and my journey began. Since then I have been spending much of my time cramming myself full of information and learning to code.  I have been dabbling in the stuff since I bought my first computer back in the late 90’s and knew a few things, but not that much. It didn’t take long to realize that I was way behind and it was going to take a lot of work to catch up. So I started cramming. It’s been about a year since then and I’ve learned a ton of cool stuff that I plan on getting into in later posts. So that’s a little bit about my professional background but I have lots of other interests as well that may lead to some random posts. Playing guitar, figure drawing, video games, health and fitness, fantasy football, and my doggies to name a few. These things may come up at some point as well as any other random things I find myself focused on.

So that’s basically it. LearntUp is going to sum up the interesting stuff I put into my brain with a focus on technology and Web Development as I get LearntUp. Hopefully it can become a useful resource for some people and possibly provide some entertainment at times. Enjoy!